
Today is Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Today is an "A" day.

In our Academic Spirit Week today’s theme is “Rhyme Without A Reason.”

The ODY Student Council would like to thank everyone for their participation so far in our Academic Spirit Week. Here's a reminder that tomorrow is Hobby Day. Dress to participate in your after school clubs and activities. Remember that for everyday you dress up, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of three fabulous prizes including: a Stanley Cup, ODY apparel, or a Stewart's Gift Card.


Ski Club will be going to Royal Mountain this weekend, pot pies will need to be picked up this weekend as well.   Gore mountain paperwork is due this Friday.

Any 7-12 students interested in Clay Target, on-line registration is open from February 4th to March 24th for the spring league. If you have any questions about registering, contact Ms. Clements.

The Class of 2025 is selling carnations for $2 apiece. Order your special someone carnations with a special message. See a member of the senior class during high school lunch to place your order. There will be an order form in the cafeteria to fill out during ALL lunch periods. 


Attention Yearbook members, Heidelberg bread orders will be here today. Please be sure to make arrangements to get your orders home. See Miss Fricke with any questions