The Mission of the Owen D. Young Central School District is to provide a robust educational environment in which all students can achieve success and make positive contributions to their community.
Owen D. Young Board of Education Strategic Goals 2023-2024
Strategic Goal 1: Maintain rigor of student offerings to ensure that all students graduate with the skills necessary to be successful in their chosen career.
During the 2023-2024 school year, ODY CSD will continue to fully implement the NYS Standards in ELA and Mathematics as well as the Literacy Strands in all Science, Social Studies, and Technical Subjects.
During the 2023-2024 school year, ODY CSD will increase its overall Regents Mastery level passing rates as compared to the baseline established in 2023.
During the 2023-2024 school year, ODY CSD will increase its overall 3-8 ELA, Math Mastery scores as compared to the baseline established in 2023.
Action Steps
1. Continue professional development training in writing in the content areas.
2. Provide professional development on co-teaching and other collaborative learning experiences.
3. Continue to build on co-teaching model school wide.
4. Gather data and information regarding academic achievement to support evaluation of eligibility policy.
5. Monitor student progress through frequent analysis of student performance with both local and formative assessments.
6. Continue to align local assessments to the rigor and requirements of NYS Standards and Regents exams.
Strategic Goal 2: Ensure access to a variety of meaningful and relevant educational experiences for all students P-12.
During the 2032-2024 school year, ODY CSD will focus on education opportunities that promote student collaboration to better foster resourcefulness and resilience.
During the 2032-2024 school year, ODY CSD will continue to expand meaningful and relevant learning opportunities for all students P-12.
Action Steps
1. Continue to provide College Now offerings.
2. Continue to enroll students in the Advanced Career Immersion Experience.
3. Continue to offer Second Step curriculum (social/emotional instruction) in grades K-3.
4. Encourage local business people and community members to contribute their time and resources to classrooms and other learning venues to help foster student collaboration and compassion.
5. Continue to offer opportunities to access additional local and community resources to help foster school/community collaboration.
Strategic Goal 3: Enhance community engagement and communication for all aspects of the ODY school district.
During the 2023-2024 school year the ODY CSD Board of Education will maintain open and transparent communication with all community stakeholders.
During the 2023-2024 school year the ODY CSD Board of Education will promote a positive school environment for all students and staff.
During the 2023-2024 school year the ODY CSD Board of Education will enhance communication with neighboring school districts.
Action Steps
1. Continue to maintain an updated presence on the school district website and social media.
2. Continue to use SchoolTool Parent Portal as a tool for parent communication pertaining to academics and attendance.
3. Continue to provide opportunities for all teachers to build relationships with ODY families and community members.
4. Continue to contract through Capital Region BOCES for public relations support.
5. Continue to provide regular guidance updates sent to parents via email, mail, etc. PK-12.
6. Continue guidance communications pertaining to career choices in grades 8-9, as well as high school course planning grades 8-12.
7. Continue to improve on promoting positive school environment.
8. Continue to collaborate with neighboring districts.