Herkimer County and the Food Insecurity Workgroup are conducting a Food Security Survey via Survey Monkey to gather information from local residents on the topic of food insecurity and hunger.

As the cost of food has recently increased significantly, families are understandably having difficulty affording groceries. Herkimer County is interested in hearing about people’s experiences first hand. The survey is anonymous and takes less than five minutes.

The survey will be open from Friday, April 12 – Friday, May 10. You can access the survey many different ways.

(1) Take the survey online using this link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HCFoodSurvey2024

(2) This QR code will also take you directly to the survey:     

QR_code_HCFoodSurvey2024 (003)

(3) Hard copies of the survey are available for those who cannot take the survey electronically. Call the main office at ODY if you would like a printed survey mailed to you. Completed hard copies must be received back by the county no later than 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30 (note - earlier deadline than the online survey, since the answers need to be manually entered). Completed surveys can be mailed to:  Gina Giacovelli, 301 N. Washington St, Suite 2300, Herkimer, NY 13350.